This is our plan to end Human Trafficking and slavery, in our generation.

Malta Zimbabwe

Preventative awareness

Our team carries out preventative activities aimed at making local communities aware of their basic human rights, understand the different forms of trafficking and empowering them to take action.


We help and support survivors with criminal complaints, in order to ensure that justice is carried out against traffickers and to encourage the improvement of the legal framework to counter trafficking.


We train stakeholders to spot the signs of trafficking and to respond and campaign for police change. We help businesses to protect their operations and supply chains from modern slavery.


Our investigation teams work closely with police to identify victims of modern slavery, building trust with them and helping them to pass from a state of exploitation to one of freedom and safety.


Our specialist investigators work in areas identified as transit or destination countries in collaboration with the police.


We work with victims to overcome trauma and rebuild their lives. We offer tailored restorative care initiatives, as well as support to meet vital needs, including survivor-centred aftercare.

Do you want to help us stop human trafficking? Join us !