Nahla Betro



My name is Nahla Betro, I’ve been a volunteer with CCIF since 2017,My first interaction with CCIF was at a conference that I was invited too. I then saw the importance of the work they do, in regards to human trafficking and youth development for vulnerable communities. Such important topics hold a high importance to me and wanted to be part of the change they are implementing. I have been to over 10 countries with CCIF, volunteering in projects have expanded and broadened my ideologies on topics such as human trafficking, gender based violence, human rights and the importance of youth participation in decision making. CCIF has not only helped me gain knowledge but also allowed me to experience different cultures, understand global views and issues, made me a world citizen by thought and helped me gain a network of connections that have the same ideologies and beliefs as I do.

Experience in volunteering: 5 years

01. Donator

I am helping CCIF Malta fundraise to support 'PROJECTSTOP' a CCIF initiative actively working in the area of Preventative human Trafficking in Malta. We are involved in awareness, advocacy, training and education, help in the identification, reporting for investigation cases and plan to move into restoration of victims.

$ 0 Donation made

02. Volunteer

5 People volunteered

03. Adopter

0 Children adopted